Monday, July 12, 2010

Reiki, Taos and Coming Home

Reiki: a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.

I had the wonderful opportunity to receive my Reiki master certification at Peace Place in Sedona. It was an incredible experience! My instructors, Laurelle and Michael, are so centered and in tune with the Reiki energy that the whole process of getting my Reiki master through them was a sacred experience.

As a Reiki practitioner, I am able to help others achieve higher levels of health and well-being. What an blessing to be able to share this with others! One of the best benefits of giving Reiki though, is that when I am giving a Reiki treatment, I also receive the benefits of the Reiki energy myself. Talk about a win win situation! Thanks and gratitude to Laurelle, Michael, my classmates and everyone at Peace Place. Thank you!

After 9 days in beautiful Sedona, it was time to point my wheels towards home. I took a different route home to Boulder, so I could go through Taos and visit with my friend Steph. Taos has been one of my favorite places to visit for years. I love the natural beauty and the thriving art scene. Steph and I had an excellent visit. Lots of girl talk and a chance to hang out in Taos wandering through art galleries! The weather couldn't have been more perfect. Sunshine, no humidity and about 75 degrees. A nice break from the 100 degree heat in Sedona.

Leaving Taos on Thursday, I finally made it back to Colorado. I ran into some beautiful thunderstorms along the way. Even a little hail, which is always a bit scary. I did do an excellent job of perfectly timing my drive so I could hit rush hour in both Colorado Springs and Denver! What was I thinking? I estimate I have spent 50 hours driving this month traveling from place to place, and most of it has been easy and painless. But by the time I got through the Denver traffic and stopped to see John at work, I definitely needed a glass of wine to calm my nerves. The last hour was brutal!

Being back in Boulder is wonderful!!! I've really come to enjoy this town over the last few months. I've spent the last few days taking Kodi on some wonderful hikes. On Saturday John and I even had a chance to wander (we definitely took the scenic route) up to Summit County. We had a fun day running errands, doing a bit of work and going on a chilly, rainy hike. Good times! It's pretty blissful in my world when I get to spend time with my best friend and my dog hanging out in the mountains!!!

Unfortunately I also found out some disturbing news recently. Apparently my ex has found it necessary to spread some pretty malicious lies about my friend John and I. It's really a sad moment when you find out someone you used to care for is really a bad person. After 5 years of supporting him, nursing him through illness, etc., he has chosen to behave in a shameful manner. I pity him and his need to make up stories to make himself feel better. I am just grateful to all my wonderful friends who are standing by my side through all of this. I love you all so much and cherish your presence in my life every day!

On a much happier note; tomorrow John and I are planning a fun bike ride in Boulder and then Wednesday I'm off to visit my best girlfriend Stacy, her husband Jeff and daughter, Lilli in Lawrence, Kansas. After the heat of Mesquite and Sedona I'm actually feeling pretty fearless about facing Kansas weather in July. At least a long as I don't think about the humidity!

I'm really looking forward to some more great girl time with Stacy and our friend Perky. We're going to be canoeing on the Missouri River and then biking back to a winery! Yeah! I also can't wait to see Stacy's beautiful daughter, Lilli. Yet another little girl who's parents honor me with the title "Auntie Kim". I was able to visit Stacy and Jeff last summer when Lilli was about 13 weeks. I'm sure Lillii is much changed now that she is a little over 1! I apologize if I sound too much like a grown up right now, but they really do grow up too fast!

For now though It's time to do a little Reiki on myself. In the course of my training, I realized my heart needs a lot of TLC right now. Reiki has been incredibly helpful in this difficult healing process. So have all of my dear friends, especially John who shows me every day how to be more kind and loving. I'm counting my blessings, and they are infinite.

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